St. Christopher's Preschool

"A Loving Place to Learn"


Dear Prospective Parent,

Our motto since September 1961, “A Loving Place to Learn,” is more than a motto - it’s our guiding philosophy. We take pride in our warm and caring community of educators, children, parents, and support staff who create a place where children love to learn. We are a developmental preschool that prepares each child for kindergarten with a tailored curriculum. Children learn best through experiences involving all their senses; we help each child reach their fullest potential through experiential activities including child-directed learning, teacher-facilitated learning, and healthy play. 

A Morning Preschool from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
September through May – 2 to 5 days a week
Ages: 2½ to 5, learn about our classes here: Classes 

Schedule your tour soon, or contact us for more Information: Info 

